

Speaker: Pastor Nick

Join us as we continue our exploration of the letter Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus. In it, we discover the new identity that followers of Jesus have been given and how that new identity impacts the various areas of our lives, including how we think of ourselves, how we treat others, how we interact with God, and so much more!


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The summer reading program is a staple for many but instead of looking to the library for a book recommendation, join us for one of the most powerful and practical reads you will ever encounter! This exploration of themes in the book of Proverbs has the potential of changing your life, if you will let it!

We continue in the book of Ephesians as we encounter some highly practical teachings from Paul on what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Join us to discover these powerful truths for your life!

We continue in the book of Ephesians as we encounter some highly practical teachings from Paul on what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Join us to discover these powerful truths for your life!

Join FWC for a unique teaching series focusing on the causes of Check Engine lights, not on your car, but in your life. Warning signs that something is significantly wrong in the engine that drives your life, your heart! This week we discuss the issue of sexual purity, why it is so important, and how it impacts our lives.

Join FWC for a unique teaching series focusing on the causes of Check Engine lights, not on your car, but in your life. Warning signs that something is significantly wrong in the engine that drives your life, your heart! This week we discuss the issue of sexual purity, why it is so important, and how it impacts our lives.

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Catch up on all of the recent sermon series at Smithville Family Worship Center!

Pastor Nick

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